
Best Website Design Tools 2014

All released this year, each of these free web-based apps offers a time-saving solution to many of the web design tasks you will need to perform from time to time. Without ever having to install anything, all you have to do is bookmark and save them for that day when they will be called upon.

Some of these tiny time-savers will help you to better manage your SVG icon collections, organize code snippets, randomly create profile pictures, generate CSS animations, or even translate CSS selectors into plain English. Whatever the web design time-saver you're looking for, then the chances are you will find it here.

Table of Contents

  • CSS Tools
  • Color Tools
  • CSS Gradient Generators
  • SVG Tools
  • Loader & Spinner Tools
  • Screenshot Generators
  • Icon Tools
  • Typography & Font Tools
  • Animation Tools
  • Profile Picture Generators
  • Learning Tools
  • Text Editors
  • Uncategorizable Useful Tools

You might also like our huge collection of 50 Free Web-Based Tools & Apps for Working With CSS.

Web-Based CSS Tools

Layoutit Grid – Build your ideal CSS Grid with this online tool.
Layoutit Grid css web-based tool free web design example – A tool for creating Soft-UI CSS code.
Neumorphism css web-based tool free web design example

Compound Grid Generator – Enter the number of columns for each of your grids, and they'll be magically merged into a compound grid.
css Compound Grid Generator web-based tool free web design example

CSS Effects – A collection of click-to-copy CSS special effects.
CSS Effects web-based tool free web design example – Try this experimental UI editor for creating illustrations based applying styles (CSS) on a single HTML element.
css experimental UI editor  web-based tool free web design example

CSS clip-path Editor – This online tool will help you generate an awesome clip path.
CSS clip-path Editor web-based tool free web design example

Web-Based Pattern Generators

patternico – A web-based tool for creating seamless patterns for your projects.
patternico patterns web-based tool free web design example

PatternPad – An app for creating exportable patterns using endless variations.
PatternPad web-based tool free web design example

Beautiful Dingbats Pattern Generator – Create seamless, royalty-free patterns to use in your projects.
Beautiful Dingbats Pattern Generator web-based tool free web design example

CSS Background Patterns – Generate your own seamless background pattern.
CSS Background Patterns web-based tool free web design example

Web_Based Color Tools

Colorsinspo – Thousands of beautiful color palettes you can use it directly by one click.

Colorsinspo color palettes web-based tool free web design example

Parametric Color Mixer – Create your own custom color palette and export to CSS or SVG.
Parametric Color Mixer web-based tool free web design example

Web-Based Gradient Generators & Tools

Gradihunt – Find or generate the perfect CSS gradient for your projects.
Gradihunt CSS gradient web-based tool free web design example

Multicolor CSS Gradients – Free, lightweight, colorful and responsive backgrounds for use in your projects.

Multicolor CSS Gradients web-based tool free web design example

grxdients – A CSS library that makes adding gradients to your projects incredibly simple.
 web-based tool free web design example

Web-Based SVG Tools

Faux Code Generator – A tool for turning real code (GitHub Gists) into a faux code SVG.
Faux Code Generator web-based tool free web design example

Convert2Svg – A Simple web-based tool for converting multi-colored images to SVG files.

Convert2Svg web-based tool free web design example

Warp SVG Online – Upload your SVG file and use this online tool to warp it.
Warp SVG Online web-based tool free web design example

SVGBox – This API makes it dead-simple to include SVG icons in your projects.
SVGBox svg api web-based tool free web design example

Loader & Spinner Tools

Loader Generator – Build a custom loader for your React app with this tool.
Loader Generator react css web-based tool free web design example

Spinners React – A tool for (you guessed it) generating animated spinners in React.
 web-based tool free web design example

Screenshot Generators

Limus – Upload your screen shots and this tool will let you view and save them at different angles.
Spinners React css web-based tool free web design example

Snippet Shot – A web-based tool that generates screenshots from you code snippets.
Snippet Shot web-based tool free web design example

Icon Generators & Tools

Iconset – An app for better organizing your SVG icons.
Iconset SVG icons web-based tool free web design example

SVG Favicon Maker – Create your own, scalable SVG favicon with this online tool.
SVG Favicon Maker web-based tool free web design example

Motion – Create animated icons with this app, available for Mac OS and Windows.
Motion animated icons web-based tool free web design example

Iconsizer – Generate the right icon resolutions for all devices.
Iconsizer web-based tool free web design example

Web-Based Typography & Font Tools

A Variable Fonts Primer – Learn everything you need to take advantage of this typographic phenomenon.
A Variable Fonts Primer web-based tool free web design example

Capsize – An online tool for defining typography in CSS.
Capsize web-based tool free web design example

useFonts – Try out this design tool to help designers and developers select their perfect fonts.
useFonts web-based tool free web design example

The good line-height – Use this tool to easily calculate the perfect CSS line height for each text size in your scale.
line-height css typography web-based tool free web design example

Whitespaces – A handy copy & paste resource for various space types.
Whitespaces web-based tool free web design example

Web-Based Animation Tools

Animockup – Use this tool to create free animated mockups of popular devices.
Animockup free animated mockups web-based tool free web design example – Generate awesome CSS animations with this web-based tool.
Keyframes CSS animations web-based tool free web design example

Easings – Test and create Cubic Bezier easing curves with this generator.
Easings Cubic Bezier easing curves web-based tool free web design example

Profile Picture & Avatar Generators

Big Heads – A library that randomly generates characters for your apps and games.
Big Heads characters web-based tool free web design example

Multiavatar – Generate your own custom avatar with this tool.
Multiavatar custom avatar web-based tool free web design example

Web-Based Learning Tools

Learn CSS Positioning – An interactive article to help you learn how to position elements.
Learn CSS Positioning web-based tool free web design example

iHateRegex – A regular expression cheat sheet for haters.
regular expression cheat sheet web-based tool free web design example

Learn Box Alignment – Get the lowdown on how alignment works for both CSS Grid and Flexbox.
Learn Box Alignment web-based tool free web design example

Selectors Explained – Translate CSS selectors into plain English.
css electors Explained web-based tool free web design example

Grid Cheatsheet – A handy reference for learning the intricacies of CSS Grid.
css Grid Cheatsheet web-based tool free web design example

Git Command Explorer – A handy resource to help you find just the right Git command.
Git Command Explorer web-based tool free web design example

Host Rider – Use this fun CSS game to learn more about the justify-content property.
Host Rider web-based tool free web design example

Note-Taking & Text Editor Tools

Memo App – Write notes in a GitHub Gist.
Memo App web-based tool free web design example

Writty – A free, open-source text editor with multiple styles and export options.
Writty web-based tool free web design example

Markably – Try out this an elegant rich text editor with full markdown support. Available as both browser-based and native apps.
Markably web-based tool free web design example

Scribbble – A writing tool that focuses on simplicity, so that you can focus on your work.
Scribbble web-based tool free web design example

Useful Web-Based Tools

Quick & Simple Image Placeholder – Use this tool to generate colorful image placeholders.
Image Placeholder web-based tool free web design example

Image Speed Test – A tool that analyzes your site's images and offers suggestions to improve performance.
Image Speed Test web-based tool free web design example – A resource for social media image and video sizes – complete with downloadable templates.
SocialSizes social media image and video sizes web-based tool free web design example

GitHub Socialify – Showcase your project to the world by generating a beautiful project image with this tool.
GitHub Socialify web-based tool free web design example

…and finally…

The Useless Web – Have some free time? Why not use this resource to find some useless websites to visit?
The Useless Web web-based tool free web design example

Best Website Design Tools 2014


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